
Mario kart wii gecko codes rmce01
Mario kart wii gecko codes rmce01

mario kart wii gecko codes rmce01

You know what I hated more? People who thought that snaking was cheating (despite it taking more concentration) and that items required "more skill". Make the code quit talking about "blue shells being fair", they're not, end of story. I call this phenomena "Nintendo Programming" and I call bullshit. I don't see how it's "fair" to make someone lose for being good at a game. I don't see how that helps sales or mental health. Which means no one will be able to stand the game after a short while. I wonder if anyone ever stopped to think that maybe someone who is in first place deserves to be there, and that this so called "balance" Nintendo (and apparently others? WTF?!) think is helping the game by making it so people in first end up in last and people in last end up in first isn't actually "balance" at all, because it causes EVERY SINGLE RACE to end in a way that gives no indication of anyone's skill, which completely ruins the game for people who have played more than people who haven't. HyperHacker is absolutely right, but he could be righter.

Mario kart wii gecko codes rmce01